by Rachael Walkup | Jun 1, 2020 | From Our Contributors, Things To Do, Tips
Just One Africa is an international nonprofit that works with local leaders in Kenya to provide sustainable water solutions for vulnerable children and those affected by the clean water crisis and has been working with students and teachers in Forsyth County schools...
by Rachael Walkup | Mar 1, 2020 | Summer Guides
2020 Summer Camps in Forsyth County & Cumming GA We’re compiling our list of 2020 Summer Camps in Forsyth County for kids in hopes of making your summer planning a little easier. Below you’ll find Summer Camps for local businesses & organizations. Camps...
by Rachael Walkup | Feb 1, 2020 | From Our Contributors, Things To Do
By Paula Glover, Forsyth County Public Library February is Black History Month and your local libraries will host a series of events featuring authors, historians, guest lecturers, and even a filmmaker to commemorate the occasion. I talked with Forsyth County Public...