As this new year begins, a lot of people reflect on the previous year. You may even find yourself asking – “how can I make this year better than the last year?” One thing that I always try to improve year over year is dinner time. Dinner time with kids is an important time. It’s where conversations start.  It’s where truths are shared. It’s where relationships are built.
Today I want to share several things with you that I hope will help. First, I will share with you how I meal plan. Secondly, I will share with you some conversation starters for the dinner table. And last but not least, I will share with you how you can get meal plans and a grocery list for $1.13 a week.

The Eat At Home Meal Plans

I have used the Eat at Home meal plans for almost 7 years. Fun fact: I actually used to plan the meal plans for Eat at Home. These plans work so well for every type of family. Here is how the program works:

  1. Choose Which Plan: Every week you will have access to four different types of meal plans – Wholesome Traditional, Traditional, Slow Cooker/Instant Pot, and No Flour/No Sugar. Once you sign up you are not married to one plan because you always get access to all four!
  2. Order/ Shop: Using the Eat at Home color-coded grocery list, you will be able to shop easily. What I do is print it out first and cross off items that I already have. Then I add on stuff for breakfasts and lunches. Once that is complete, I have a full list to use for my grocery shopping.
  3. Save: You will save time, money and sanity by knowing “what’s for dinner” every night!

Conversation Starters

Now that you have some margin in your brain again. I’d love to help you start more conversations at the dinner table. Here are a few ideas that we have used and loved:

  • Ask “would you rather” questions. (Here’s a bunch that we like)
  • Pass around Here’s a Question. Each kid gets to choose a question to ask the table.
  • Ask the kids to share their high and low for the day
  • Everyone shares a story from their day
  • Each person answers the following questions:
    • What is your favorite thing to do?
    • What has been your best memory in life so far?
    • Describe your perfect day.
    • Who is your best friend and why?

Those are the conversation starters we use on a daily basis. Do you have any you can share with us? If so, comment and let us know!

Access for 4 Plans for $1.13 a Week

Think about this – how many nights a week do you eat out as a family? Now think of how much you spend each time. If you could commit to eating dinner at home instead you would save that money week after week. For the average family of four, this will save a minimum of $1,000 a year. Isn’t that wild?!
The Eat at Home meal plans are on sale again! And you don’t want to miss out. So, don’t waste any time. Sign up before it’s too late. This deal is only good until January 15th!

{One last tip: Don’t forget to use the promo code NEW}

Rachael Walkup has lived in North Georgia all her life. Since 2006 – The Walkup family has made Forsyth County their home. Along with being a wife and mom, Rachael is an avid blogger, social media expert, and owner of Her time is spent promoting local events and small businesses in North Georgia.  With a background in Marketing and Sales, coupled with her experience in Project Development and Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Rachael offers consultations and classes to help clients reach their fullest potential.